Voter Registration Efforts
The University of Evansville provides for reasonable opportunities for voter registration activities. The Center for Student Engagement has a web page dedicated to assisting you with your voting process.
The Halls and Villages have specific guidelines related to solicitation activities such as door to door canvassing. See our policy on Solicitation in Residential Properties:
Solicitation in Residential Properties
To protect residents from unreliable, illegal and meddlesome peddlers, soliciting is not permitted in the halls. Special permission for student fund-raising projects may be obtained from the dean of students. Residents should report any solicitation in the residence halls or Villages. Immediately notify your residential staff, the Office of Residence Life or the Office of Public Safety.
The following activities are allowed in residential properties:
Informal Interaction
UE Students escorted by a building resident may informally talk with people that are in common areas or with people on residential hallways that have their doors open. All escort, visitation and quiet hour policies apply.
Residence Hall Tables
UE organizations can set up a table in the lobbies of residential properties during reasonable hours. Approval of tables are coordinated through the Office of Residence Life. Tables should not impede pedestrian flow, access or egress of building. Arrangements should be made at least one working day prior in order to properly communicate information to residence life and Physical Plant personnel.
Formal Polls of Students
Polls taken during the thirty days prior to the voter registration period can take place as applicable by law.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Student Life Center, Second Floor, Ridgway University Center